
2.保时捷汽车的所有型号 详细的




6.保时捷911 Carrera的性能参数






不过别灰心,最便宜的保时捷跑车马上就要来了,近日保时捷设计总监Michael Mauer表示,未来保时捷将推出一款回归基础的入门级跑车,它的定位将低于718 Boxster,而且它将是一款“几乎没有电子化设备,一切都是机械式的纯粹的汽车”,不出意外的话,这款车型将成为保时捷914的继任者。看到这里很多读者可能会有疑问,914是什么车?新车上市后卖多少钱?下面就给大家一一解答。




从1966年开始计划生产到1976年停产,保时捷914只存在了短短十年,放在许多人眼中这可能算得上是一款失败的车型,但对于保时捷来讲可谓意义深远,它的出现坚定了保时捷制造MR布局跑车的决心,此后的多款重量级超跑比如911 GT1 Straenversion以及918等均采用了MR布局,你很难说这些车没有受到914的启发,所以正因为如此,保时捷或许才想在今天将它复活。


前文说到过,新车的定位将低于718 Boxster,设计总监Michael Mauer还表示新车主要针对驾驶高尔夫R、奥迪TT的人群,所以价格极有可能只要四十多万,而且由于新车是一款一切都是机械式,几乎没有电子化设备的车型,自然也不会像其它保时捷车型那样有着琳琅满目的选装项,如此一来,914或将成为同价位中唯一一款MR布局的跑车,再加上保时捷的吸引力,想想都令人激动。









保时捷948尚且在研发中。保时捷948采用4.6L V8发动机,可以输出522kW(700PS)的最大功率、峰值扭矩600Nm。并搭载7速PDK双离合变速器,采用混合动力系统。这款全新超跑可能会被命名为保时捷948。它将沿用保时捷918 Spyder的碳纤维底盘,而轴距则会得到加长,让工程师得以放下后座的两个座椅。


901: 1963款保时捷901原型车

902: 1965款911四速变速箱(也作为保时捷912车型的内部代号)

903: 1965款自动变速箱原型产品

904: 1964款Carrera GTS赛车

905: Sportomatic变速箱

906: 1966款Carrera 6赛车

907: 1967款赛车

908: 1968款赛车;1967年自动变速箱原型产品

909: 1968款hillclimb赛车

910: 1967款赛车

911: 六缸民用车

912: 四缸民用车

913: 未知

914: 水平对置四缸发动机中置布局的公路跑车

915: 1972-1986年的911五速变速箱

916: 1967款双顶置凸轮轴六缸发动机;1968款908六速变速箱;1972款水平对置六缸发动机中置布局的公路跑车

917: 1969款赛车

918: 1969款914-8跑车(只有一辆,公司送给费利·保时捷做60周年大寿的生日礼物);保时捷918 Spyder混合动力超跑

920: 917四速变速箱

921: 1961款涡轮增压发动机赛车

922: 未知

923: 1976款912E民用车

924: 1976款前置发动机民用车

925: 911T/E Sportomatic变速箱

926: 未知

927: 右舵版928

928: 1978款V8动力的民用车

929: 未知

930: 1975-1989款911 Turbo

931: 1979-1983款924 Turbo(左舵版)

932: 1979-1983款924 Turbo(右舵版)

933: 一款为美国跑车俱乐部(the Sports Car Club of America)开发的限量版924赛车

934: Group 4组别赛车

935: Group 5组别GT赛车

936: 1976款赛车

937: 1980款924 Carrera GT(左舵版)

938: 1980款924 Carrera GT(右舵版)

939: 1980款924 Carrera GTR

940: 未知

941: 未知

942: 一款送给费利·保时捷作为75岁大寿的928长轴版车型

943: 964 Tiptronic变速箱

944: 1982-1989款前置发动机民用车 (左舵版)

945: 1982-1989款前置发动机民用车 (右舵版)

946: 1985-88款924S (左舵版)

947: 1985-88款924S (右舵版)

948: 未知

949: 款956车型的驱动桥

950: G50变速箱

951: 1985-1991款944 Turbo(左舵版)

952: 1985-1991款944 Turbo (右舵版)

953: 基于911打造的4x4拉力赛车

954: 911SC RS拉力赛车

955: 2002-2006款卡宴

956: 1982款Group C组赛车

957: 2007-2010款卡宴

958: 2011-2014款卡宴

959: 1986款基于911打造的4x4民用车

960: 款928四速自动变速箱

961: 1986款959衍生赛车

962: 款Group C/IMSA赛车

963: 未知

964: 1989-1993款911民用车

965: 1988款911 Turbo替代者的原型车

966: 未知

967: 未知

968: 1991-1995款前置发动机民用车

969: 965原型车的计划命名

970: 2009-2014款Panamera

971: 未知

972: 未知

973: 未知

974: 未知

975: 未知

976: 未知

977: 未知

978: 未知

979: 未知

980: Carrera GT

981: 现款boxster 和cayman

982: 未知

983: 未知

984: 1988款入门级民用车的原型产品

985: 未知

986: 1996-2004款Boxster

987: 2005-2008款Boxster和Cayman

988: 未知

989: 1989款商务轿车的原型产品

990: 未知

991: 2012-2015款911

992: 未知

993: 1993-1997款911

994: 未知

995: 一款原型车

996: 1997-2004款911民用车

997: 2004-2012款911民用车

998: 未知


保时捷汽车的所有型号 详细的






这所农场位于英国郊区一处未公开的区域,因此这里遗弃的大部分汽车都是英国生产的,它们有一些非常罕见,甚至汽车制造商都已经在多年前倒闭消失了 。

农场的谷仓里堆放了多辆MGB GT跑车,这些车的状态不太一样,有些车况不错,有些却跟报废厂里的模样别无二致,据了解,这些车已经几十年没有启动或使用过了,通过照片我们还可以看见不少Triumph跑车、奥斯汀,甚至英国百年豪华品牌Alvis。


其中另一个谷仓里面还放着一辆AC跑车,不过它不是Cobra?眼镜蛇,但它们来自同一个时代,而且这款车可能要比它的兄弟们稀有得多。拥有这个农场的人还收集了一些Sunbeam Talbots汽车,这家车企成立于1905年,1920年该公司与Darracq-Talbot合并,并被后来并入美国克莱斯勒集团的Rootes?集团接管。


除此之外,还有一辆老款宾利,看起来似乎是50年代的车型,很有可能是Mark VI?或是?R?型。同时通过照片我们还看到一辆?Wolseley 6/90,这是?1950年推出的一款中型车,我们相信如今已经很少有人能在道路上见到这款车了。

Wolseley(沃尔斯利)是早期英国最大的汽车厂同样是一家拥有悠久历史的品牌,这家车企一直专注于中和小型车的生产,最早成立于1901年,是由Frederick York Wolseley创立,背后的老板是Vickers Sons&Maxim公司,主要生产汽车和机械工具。


1952年在英国国家政策的引导下,那菲尔德(Nuffield)车厂与当时的奥斯汀汽车合并,组成了英国汽车公司,由奥斯汀汽车掌管,随后各个汽车品牌便有了明确的分工,MG品牌主打当时的运动性能车市场,而沃尔斯利和莫里斯等品牌主要攻占中小型车市场,1972年推出最后一款沃尔斯利6(BMC ADO17的贴牌车)之后,在1975年正式宣布停产。





保时捷Panamera S 指导价:184.30万保时捷Panamera 4S 指导价:192.60万保时捷Panamera Turbo 指导价:249.00万新保时捷Cayman S MT 指导价:101.10万新保时捷Cayman S AT 指导价:106.05万Cayman S Sport 指导价:108.20万新保时捷Cayman MT 指导价:72.90万新保时捷Cayman AT 指导价:77.85万911 Carrera MT 指导价:131.70万

911 Carrera AT 指导价:137.60万

911 Carrera S MT 指导价:145.90万

911 Carrera S AT 指导价:151.80万

911 Carrera Cabriolet MT 指导价:145.90万

911 Carrera Cabriolet AT 指导价:151.80万

911 Carrera S Cabriolet MT 指导价:160.10万

911 Carrera S Cabriolet AT 指导价:166.00万

911 Carrera 4 MT 指导价:141.60万

911 Carrera 4 AT 指导价:147.50万

911 Carrera 4S MT 指导价:155.80万

911 Carrera 4S AT 指导价:161.70万

911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet MT 指导价:155.80万

911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet AT 指导价:161.70万

911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet M 指导价:170.00万

911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet A 指导价:175.90万

911 Targa 4 MT 指导价:151.50万

911 Targa 4 AT 指导价:157.40万

911 Targa 4S MT 指导价:165.70万

911 Targa 4S AT 指导价:171.60万

911 Turbo MT 指导价:215.50万

911 Turbo AT 指导价:220.45万

911 Turbo Cabriolet AT 指导价:234.65万

911 Turbo Cabriolet MT 指导价:229.70万

911 GT2 MT 指导价:330.00万

911 GT3 MT 指导价:166.00万

911 GT3 RS MT 指导价:189.00万 卡宴Cayenne Turbo S 指导价:235.00万

08款卡宴Cayenne GTS 指导价:176.00万

07款卡宴Cayenne 3.6 指导价:88.80万

07款卡宴Cayenne S 4.8 指导价:139.90万

07款卡宴Cayenne Turbo 4.8 指导价:197.20万

Cayenne 3.2AT 指导价:79.00万

Cayenne 3.2MT 指导价:79.00万

Cayenne S 4.5AT 指导价:102.00万

Cayenne S 4.5MT 指导价:102.00万

Cayenne Turbo 4.5AT 指导价:149.00万

Cayenne Turbo S 4.5AT 指导价:169.80万 Boxster 普通版 MT 指导价:68.80万

Boxster 普通版 AT 指导价:72.53万

Boxster S MT 指导价:83.00万

Boxster S AT 指导价:86.73万

Boxster S Porsche Design E 指导价:105.60万





The Porsche 911 (pronounced as Nine Eleven, German: Neunelfer) is a sports car made by Porsche AG of Stuttgart, Germany. The famous, distinctive, and durable design is notable for being rear engined like the Porsche-designed Volkswagen Beetle it had been based on. The car was also air-cooled until the introduction of the all-new Type 996 in 1998. Since its introduction in autumn 1963[1], it has undergone continuous development[2]. The basic concept remained unchanged throughout its evolution.[2]

Since its inception the 911 has been modified, both by private teams and by the factory itself, for racing, rallying and other types of automotive competition. It is often cited as the most successful competition car ever, as the normally aspirated 911 Carrera RSR in the mid 1970s has won major world championship sports car races such as Targa Florio, Daytona, Sebring or Nürburgring outright even against prototypes. The 935 turbo also added the coveted 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1979.

In the 1999 international poll for the award of Car of the Century, the 911 came fifth after the Ford Model T, the Mini, the Citro?n DS and the Volkswagen Beetle. It is the only one in the top five that remained continuously in production.[3] It is the most successful surviving application of the air- (now water-) cooled opposed rear engine layout pioneered by its original ancestor, the Volkswagen Beetle, having increased its original 25 PS (18 kW; 25 hp) more than tenfold, or 30fold in turbocharged race cars. It is the third-oldest sports car nameplate still in production, behind the Chevrolet Corvette, and the Nissan Skyline.

Contents [hide]

1 Article notes

2 Air-cooled engines (1963–1996)

2.1 Porsche 911 classic (1963–1989)

2.1.1 911 Carrera RS (1973 and 1974)

2.1.2 G- series (1974 and later)

2.1.3 Position vis-à-vis the Porsche 928

2.1.4 911 Turbo (Type 930) (1974–1989)

2.1.5 911 3.2 Carrera series (1983–1989)

2.2 964 Series (1989–1993)

2.2.1 964 Turbo (1990–1993)

2.3 993 Series (1993–1998)

2.3.1 993 Turbo (1995–1998)

3 Water-cooled engines (1997–present)

3.1 996 Series (1997–2004)

3.1.1 US-spec water-cooled 911 Carrera

3.1.2 996 GT3 (1999–2004)

3.1.3 996 Turbo (2000–2004)

3.2 997 Series (2005–Present)

3.2.1 997 Turbo

3.2.2 997 GT3

3.2.3 997 GT2

4 911 GT1

5 Electric vehicles

6 Awards

7 Footnotes

8 References

9 Further reading

10 External links

[edit] Article notes

Not all of the Porsche 911 models ever produced are mentioned here. The listed models are notable for their role in the advancements in technology and their influence on other vehicles from Porsche.

The car was and is always sold as 911, although the articles below use Porsche's internal classifications:

Porsche 911 classic (1964–1989)

Porsche 964 (1989–1993)

Porsche 993 (1993–1998) wide body

Porsche 996 (1999–2004) all new body and water-cooled engines

Porsche 997 (2004–Present)

"Carrera", "GT3", "Turbo", etc. refer to the specific model trim, as they are all 911s, e.g., "Porsche 911 Turbo."

The series letter (A, B, C, etc.) is used by Porsche to indicate the revision for production cars. It often changes annually to reflect changes for the new model year. The first 911 models are the "A series", the first 993 cars are the "R series".

[edit] Air-cooled engines (1963–1996)

[edit] Porsche 911 classic (1963–1989)

Porsche 911 of 1968Main article: Porsche 911 classic

The 911 can trace its roots back to sketches drawn by Ferdinand "Butzi" Porsche in 1959.[4] The Porsche 911 classic was developed as a much more powerful, larger, more comfortable replacement for the Porsche 356, the company's first model, and thus essentially a sporting evolution of the Volkswagen Beetle. The new car made its public debut at the 1963[1] Frankfurt Motor Show (German: Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung).[5] The car presented at the auto show had a non-operational mockup of the 901 engine, receiving a working one in February 1964.[4]

It originally was designated as the "Porsche 901" (901 being its internal project number). 82 cars were built as 901s.[4] However, Peugeot protested on the grounds that in France it had exclusive rights to car names formed by three numbers with a zero in the middle. So, instead of selling the new model with another name in France, Porsche changed the name to 911. Internally, the car's part numbers carried on the prefix 901 for years.[4] Production began in September 1964[5], the first 911s reached the US in February 1965 with a price tag of US$6,500.[4]

Porsche 911E with Fuchs wheels, 1969The earliest edition of the 911 had a 130 PS (96 kW; 128 hp)[1] flat-6 engine, in the "boxer" configuration like the 356, air-cooled and rear-mounted, displaced 1991 cc compared with the 356's four-cylinder, 1600 cc unit. The car had four seats although the rear seats were very small, thus the car is usually called a 2+2 rather than a four-seater (the 356 was also a 2+2). It was mated to a four or five-speed manual "Type 901" transmission. The styling was largely by Ferdinand "Butzi" Porsche, son of Ferdinand "Ferry" Porsche. Erwin Komenda, the leader of the Porsche car body construction department, was also involved in the design.

The 356 came to the end of its production life in 1965, but there was still a market for a 4-cylinder car, particularly in the USA. The Porsche 912, introduced the same year, served as a direct replacement, offering the 356's 4-cylinder, 1600 cc, 90 hp (67 kW) engine inside the 911 bodywork.

In 1966 Porsche introduced the more powerful 911S, the engine's power raised to 160 PS (118 kW; 158 hp). Alloy wheels from Fuchs, in a distinctive 5-leaf design, were offered for the first time. In motorsport at the same time, installed in the mid-engined Porsche 904 and Porsche 906, the engine was developed to 210 PS (154 kW).

In 1967 the Targa (meaning "shield" in Italian[6]) version was introduced as a "stop gap" model. The Targa had a stainless steel-clad roll bar, as Porsche had, at one point, thought that the NHTSA would outlaw fully open convertibles in the US, an important market for the 911. The name "Targa" (which means "shield" in Italian) came from the Targa Florio sports car road race in Sicily, Italy in which Porsche had notable success, with seven victories since 1956, and four more to come until 1973. This last win in the subsequently discontinued event is especially notable as it was scored with a 911 Carrera RS against prototypes entered by Italian factories of Ferrari and Alfa Romeo. The road going Targa was equipped with a removable roof panel and a removable plastic rear window (although a fixed glass version was offered alongside from 1968).

The 110 PS (81 kW; 108 hp) 911T was also launched in 1967 and effectively replaced the 912. The staple 130 PS (96 kW; 128 hp) model was renamed the 911L. The 911R had a very limited production (20 in all), as this was a lightweight racing version with thin aluminium doors, a magnesium crankcase, twin-spark cylinder heads, and a power output of 210 PS (154 kW).

In 1969 the B series was introduced: the wheelbase for all 911 and 912 models was increased from 2211 to 2268 mm (87 to 89? in), an effective remedy to the car's nervous handling at the limit. The overall length of the car did not change: rather, the rear wheels were relocated aft. Fuel injection arrived for the 911S and for a new middle model, 911E. A semi-automatic Sportomatic[7] model, composed of a torque converter, an automatic clutch, and the four speed transmission, was added to the product lineup. It was canceled after the 1980 model year[8] partly because of the elimination of a forward gear to make it a three-speed.[8]

The 2.2 L 911E was called "The secret weapon from Zuffenhausen"[citation needed]. Despite the lower power output of the 911E (155 PS (114 kW; 153 hp)) compared to the 911S (180 PS (132 kW; 178 hp)) the 911E was quicker in acceleration up to 160 km/h (100 mph).

The 1972–1973 model years consisted of the same models, but with a new, larger 2341 cc (142 in?) engine. This is universally known as the "2.4 L" engine, despite its displacement being closer to 2.3 litres. The 911E and 911S used mechanical fuel injection (MFI) in all markets. The 911T was carbureted. In January, 1973, US 911Ts were switched to the new K-Jetronic CIS (Continuous Fuel Injection) system from Bosch.

With the power and torque increases, the 2.4 L cars also got a newer, stronger transmission, identified by its Porsche type number 915. Derived from the transmission in the Porsche 908 race car, the 915 did away with the 901/911 transmission's "dog-leg" style first gear arrangement, opting for a traditional H pattern with first gear up to the left, second gear underneath first, etc.

911S models also gained a discreet spoiler under the front bumper to improve high-speed stability. With the car's weighing only 1050 kg (2315 lb), these are often regarded as the best classic mainstream 911s. For racing at this time, the 911 ST was produced in limited numbers (the production run for the ST only lasted from 1970 to 1971. The cars were available with engines of either 2466 cc or 2492 cc, producing 270 PS (199 kW; 266 hp) at 8000 rpm. Weight was down to 960 kg (2166 lb). The cars had success at the Daytona 6 Hours, the Sebring 12 Hours, the 1000 km Nürburgring and the Targa Florio.

[edit] 911 Carrera RS (1973 and 1974)

Porsche 911 Carrera RS, 1973These models, valued by collectors, are considered by many to be the greatest classic 911s all-time. RS stands for Rennsport in German, meaning race sport in English. The Carrera name was reintroduced from the 356 Carrera which had itself been named after Porsche's class victories in the Carrera Panamericana races in Mexico in the 1950s. The RS was built so that Porsche could enter racing formulae that demanded that a certain minimum number of production cars were made. Compared with a standard 911S, the Carrera 2.7 RS had a larger engine (2687 cc) developing 210 PS (207 hp/154 kW) with MFI, revised and stiffened suspension, a "ducktail" rear spoiler, larger brakes, wider rear wheels and rear fenders. In RS Touring form it weighed 1075 kg (2370 lb), in Sport Lightweight form it was about 100 kg (220 lb) lighter, the saving coming from the thin-gauge steel used for parts of the bodyshell and also the use of thinner glass. In total, 1580 were made, comfortably exceeding the 500 that had to be made to qualify for the vital FIA Group 4 class. 49 Carrera RS cars were built with 2808 cc engines producing 300 PS (221 kW).

In 1974, Porsche created the Carrera RS 3.0 with K-Jetronic Bosch fuel injection producing 230 PS (169 kW). It was almost twice as expensive as the 2.7 RS but offered a fair amount of racing capability for that price. The chassis was largely similar to that of the 1973 Carrera RSR and the brake system was from the Porsche 917. The use of thin metal plate panels and a spartan interior enabled the shipping weight to be reduced to around 900 kg ( lb).

1976 Porsche 911 2.7The Carrera RSR 3.0 was sold to racing teams, and scored outright wins in several major sports car races of the mid 1970s. Also, a prototype Carrera RSR Turbo (with 2.1 L engine due to a 1.4x equivalency formula) came second at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1974 and won several major races, a significant event in that its engine would form the basis of many future Porsche attempts in sportscar racing. Save for the earlier Porsche 917, it can be regarded as Porsche's start of its commitment to turbocharging also in road cars.

[edit] G- series (1974 and later)

Model year 1974 saw three significant changes. First, the engine size was increased to 2687 cc giving an increase in torque. Second, was the introduction of impact bumpers to conform with low speed protection requirements of US law, these bumpers being so successfully integrated into the design that they remained unchanged for 15 years. Thirdly, the use of K-Jetronic CIS Bosch fuel injection in two of the three models in the line up— the 911 and 911S models, retaining the narrow rear fenders of the old 2.4, now had a detuned version of the RS engine producing 150 and 175 PS (110 and 129 kW) respectively.

The Carrera 2.7, now a regular production model, inherited the wider rear wings of the RS together with its 210 PS (154 kW) MFI engine and was indeed mechanically identical to the 1973 RS and still weighed the same at 1075 kg (2370 lb). All three models were given high backed front seats.

The 930 Turbo was introduced in 1975 (see below). The Carrera 3.0 was introduced in 1976 with what was essentially the Turbo's 2994 cc engine minus the turbocharger, and with K-Jetronic CIS although now developing 200 PS (147 kW).

Also produced in the 1976 model year for the U.S. market, was the 912E, a 4-cylinder version of the 911 like the 912 that had last been produced in 1969. It used the I-series chassis and the Volkswagen 2.0 engine from the Porsche 914. In all, 2099 units were produced. In 1976 the front-engine Porsche 924 took this car's place for the 1977 model year and beyond.

[edit] Position vis-à-vis the Porsche 928

Main article: Porsche 928

Although Porsche was continuing with the development of the 911, executives were troubled by its declining sales numbers and in 1971 approved work on the Porsche 928. With a front-mounted V8 engine that was considerably more powerful than the contemporary 911's, the larger 928 was not only designed to eclipse its performance, it was designed to be a more comfortable car, a sporty grand tourer rather than a real sports car. The 928 sold reasonably well, and managed to survive from its introduction in 1977 until 1995. Throughout its 17 years, despite its capabilities on the road, it never managed to outsell the 911. Not intended for racing, it achieved little success in the hands of privateers.

[edit] 911 Turbo (Type 930) (1974–1989)

Main article: Porsche 930

1982 911SC Slantnose editionIn 1974 Porsche introduced the first production turbocharged 911. Although called simply Porsche 911 Turbo in Europe, it was marketed as Porsche 930 (930 being its internal type number) in North America. The body shape is distinctive thanks to wide wheel-arches to accommodate the wide tires, and a large rear spoiler often known as a "whale tail" on the early cars, and "tea-tray" on the later ones. Starting out with a 3.0 L engine 260 PS (256 hp/191 kW), these early cars are known for their exhilarating acceleration coupled with challenging handling characteristics and extreme turbo lag. For 1978, capacity rose to 3.3 L 300 PS (296 hp/221 kW), and an intercooler was added which was placed under the rear spoiler.

Production figures of the basic 930 soon qualified it for FIA Group 4 competition, with the racing version called the Porsche 934 of 1976. Many participated at Le Mans and other races including some epic battles with the BMW 3.0 CSL "Batmobile". The wilder FIA Group 5 version called Porsche 935 evolved from the 2.1 L RSR Turbo of 1974. Fitted with a slope nose, the 500+ PS car was campaigned in 1976 by the factory, winning the world championship title. Private teams went on to win many races, like Le Mans in 1979, and continued to compete successfully with the car well into the 1980s until the FIA and IMSA rules were changed.

Only in 1989, its last year of production, was the 930 equipped with a five-speed gearbox. The 930 was replaced in 1990 with a 964 version featuring the same 3.3 L engine. There have been turbocharged variants of each subsequent generation of 911.

Porsche Carrera RSR turbo, 1000km Nürburgring 1974In 1981, a Cabriolet concept car was introduced at the Frankfurt Motor Show. Not only was the car a true convertible, but it also featured four-wheel drive, although this was dropped in the production version. The first 911 Cabriolet debuted in late 1982, as a 1983 model. This was Porsche’s first cabriolet since the 356 of the mid-1960s. It proved very popular with 4,214 sold in its introductory year, despite its premium price relative to the open-top targa.[9] Cabriolet versions of the 911 have been offered ever since.

It was during this time, that Porsche AG decided the long-term fate of the 911. In 1979 Porsche had made plans to replace the 911 with their new 928. Sales of the 911 remained so strong however, that Porsche revised its strategy and decided to inject new life into the 911 editions.

Peter W. Schutz (CEO Porsche AG 1981-1987) wrote:

“The decision to keep the 911 in the product line occurred one afternoon in the office of Dr. Helmuth Bott [1], the Porsche operating board member responsible for all engineering and development. I noticed a chart on the wall of Professor Bott’s office. It depicted the ongoing development schedules for the three primary Porsche product lines: 944, 928 and 911. Two of them stretched far into the future, but the 911 program stopped at the end of 1981. I remember rising from my chair, walking over to the chart, taking a black marker pen, and extending the 911 program bar clean off the chart. I am sure I heard a silent cheer from Professor Bott, and I knew I had done the right thing. The Porsche 911, the company icon, had been saved, and I believe the company was saved with it.”[10]

911 SC sales totaled 58,914 cars.[9]

[edit] 911 3.2 Carrera series (1983–1989)

1986 Porsche 911 Carrera CabrioletWith the 911’s future ensured, 1983 saw the launch of a replacement for the successful SC series. It was the model year 911 3.2 Carrera, reviving the Carrera name for the first time since 1975. The 911 3.2 Carrera was the last iteration in the original 911 series, with all subsequent models featuring new body styling with new brake, electronic and suspension technologies.

参照 style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">保时捷911 Carrera的性能参数



























制造商: 保时捷 生产年代: 1964年至1989年 上一代车型: 保时捷356A 分级: 双座双门轿跑车 车型: 2-door Coupe/Cabriolet/Targa 汽车开发平台: 发动机后置,后轮驱动

发动机后置,四轮驱动 相关车型: 保时捷912

大众甲壳虫 发动机前置式水平对置6缸3.6升24气门电喷汽油机。它的紧迫感和特有的声音比以往任何时候都更令人震撼,强劲的动力性能使其有了更好的操作性能及更短的百米加速,强烈的背推感。

全合金发动机是一个折中的产物,更准确地说在理论上是如此。在大多数设计中,期望降低重量常常伴随着耐高温性能的下降。而在911这里,主轴承支架由铸入铁元素的铝合金制成。在最大程度地减轻温度对轴承本身的影响的同时,我们成功地缩小了会产生噪音的轴承间隙。缩小的轴承间隙的另一个优点就是可以减少机油的需求量。由于需要更少的机油,泵可更小,且总效率增强。 7速PDK是新款911车型的标准配置之一,有手动和自动两种模式可供选择。这款双离合器变速箱经过了进一步优化,能够在不中断动力传输的情况下快速完成换档,在降低耗油量的同时大大提高了加速能力PDK共有7个档位,其中1档至6档采用运动型传动比,在6档达到最高车速。第7档采用长传动比,有助于通过保持较低的发动机转速来降低燃油消耗。

发动机的动力流每次通过一个“半变速箱”和一个离合器传递,同时在第二个“半变速箱”中预选下一个档位。因此,在换档时仅接合一个离合器,另一个同时断开,从而可以在几毫秒内进行换档。这种瞬间换档效果提供了更加动感的驾驶体验,并且提高了灵活性。根据换档程序的设定 (“Sport”(运动)按钮启用或停用),换档可以针对舒适或运动操控进行优化。

结合选装Sport Chrono 升级版组件,PDK 还能通过“起步控制”和“赛车换档策略”这两项功能得到增强。

变速器5前速TiptronicS自动同提示悬挂系统 (前)独立摇臂麦弗逊支柱,气压吸震筒、螺旋弹簧及稳定杆(后)多连杆式配气压吸震筒,螺旋弹簧及稳定杆。


经改装的话,最贵的保时捷现在中国售价为645万。经保时捷专属改装公司改装后价钱就是天价了,荷兰世爵最贵的中国才卖九百几十万,就carreraGT改装后国外价格合人民币进三千万。很多保时捷赛车系的车都没有准确价格定位,但性能超强,像935 "Moby Dick"等。我所知道的有明确价格的保时捷是: PORSCHE 保时捷 911 GT1 $ 912,000 而 CARRERA GT $ 500,000













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